One more important thing is that you must feed the pets in order to survive, I recommend you to have in your inventory a stack of the pet’s desired food. Also, you’re able to craft utility pets like chests, anvils and crafting tables. Now I will say you a little bad point about this mod, when you normally die and you have a pet it will be returned to your spawn point to meet you again but in this Inventory Pets Mod when you die with lots of pets in your inventory them will fly away in any direction and you’re forced to come back if you want to revive them. So with this Inventory Pets Mod installed you can use any pet from those 42 that can be used. I can say that the creepers will protect you from blasts, chickens will increase your speed, Endermen will teleport you from blasts and the Squids will allow you to breathe, swim and see underwater.

With the Inventory Pets Mod installed you can be any mob, I mean you can have the mobs abilities that are a really huge advantage for any player. If you’re that type of player who hates to go in a certain place because there are mobs or different enemies that can kill you with this mod installed you will not need to scary anymore because these abilities will give you a lot of power in every battle. So for example, if you want to use one of the pet abilities you just need to have that pet in your hotbar and you’re able to use his abilities. Even if this may sound strange you will love to use this Inventory Pets mod because until now there’s not any other mod with this similar features like this one. The Inventory Pets Mod will add some adorable little animals into your inventory, all of them will have several uses, like giving you speed boosts, flight and climbing up walls abilities.